You can use the funds in your peso wallet to buy load! offers regular load and load promos for Globe, Smart, Sun, Talk 'N Text, Touch Mobile, and DITO.
On the Coins app, here’s how to buy load:
Step 1: Tap the Buy Load icon on the Discover tab of your Coins app.
Step 2: Select the network of your recipient number. Then enter the mobile number that you would like to send load to.
Step 3: Enter the amount you would like under the [Buy Load] tab, or choose from our available promos by tapping the [Buy Promo] tab.
Step 4: Confirm your transaction details, then click [Confirm].
You should get a text confirmation of your load purchase within 10 minutes. It’s that fast! Buying a load promo also means you are automatically subscribed to it.
Don’t need load? You can also use the funds in your wallet to pay bills! You may click here to learn how to pay bills.
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