If you decide that you no longer need to cash in to your Coins.ph wallet, you can easily cancel your cash-in order. This process is particularly useful for refreshing your cash in limits.
Note: Please be advised that cash in cancellations can only proceed when done through your Coins account. These transactions include outlets under Remittance Center (OTC Cash Pickup via Dragonpay).
Steps to Cancel Your Cash In
1. Open your Coins account
Launch the app and log into your account.
2. Go to Your Portfolio Tab
Navigate to the Portfolio tab.
3. View Transaction History
- Click on the balance of your preferred wallet to access your transaction history.
- Look for the section labeled Others.
4. Select the Cash In Transaction
- Find and click on the specific cash-in transaction you wish to cancel.
5. Cancel the Order
- Click on the Cancel Order button to complete the cancellation process.
Coins.ph prioritizes user convenience through this feature which not only helps users manage their funds more effectively but also ensures that they can refresh their cash-in limits without hassle.
For real-time updates on this feature, please check our Status Page.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I cancel a cash-in transaction after it has been processed?
Once a cash-in transaction is processed, it cannot be canceled. You can only cancel pending transactions.
What happens if I don’t cancel an unneeded cash-in?
If you do not cancel an unneeded cash-in, it will remain pending until it either completes or expires based on the platform's time limits.
Is there a fee for canceling a cash-in order?
No, there are no fees associated with canceling a cash-in order on Coins.ph.