Your account comes with multiple wallet addresses, which you can use to receive supported cryptocurrencies from other people. Please note that you have a unique address for each cryptocurrency. You can also receive some ERC-20 tokens using your ETH address. Know more about your cryptocurrency wallet addresses here.
Here are steps to find your wallet addresses
1. Simply open your app and click the QR code on the upper right part.
2. Click "My Code" below to see your PHP QR. This is used to receive Peso funds from any bank or e-wallet. To see your crypto wallet addresses, click the Receive currency button above to see the available currencies.
3. Select the cryptocurrency you intend to receive. You will see your QR code and wallet address for this. Read disclaimers to see supported cryptos for each address. Kindly take note of the limitations of each to avoid permanent losses.
Please note that your wallet address is different from your account number. For any inquiries, feel free to send us a message through the Coins app or Coins Support Form should you need any further assistance.