Effective February 20, 2025, unclaimed cash outs through the Remittance Center option would be automatically cancelled within a period of 30 days.
Your Total Cash Out (Amount + Fee) would be available on your PHP wallet once your cash out has been cancelled. You will receive an email notification once your transaction has been cancelled.
Can I cancel my remittance center cash out?
Should you prefer, you may cancel your transaction and proceed with other cash out options by following these quick steps:
1. Open your Coins.ph wallet, and go to your transaction history
2. Click on the Remittance Center cash out transaction
3. Click on Cancel Order at the bottom of the page
For real-time updates on the outlets, please check our Status Page.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I cancel a cash out after it has been processed?
Yes, for Remittance Center cash outs. But generally once processed, a cash out cannot be canceled. It is essential to ensure that you want to complete the transaction before finalizing it.
Are there any fees for unclaimed cash outs?
Generally, there are no fees associated with unclaimed cash outs.