Transferring cryptocurrency from GCash to allows you to manage your digital assets effectively. Receive any of the supported cryptocurrencies on from GCash to avail of trading features such as Convert - Quick Buy/Sell and Spot Trade.
Where do I send crypto to
If you are receiving funds from an external wallet, you can provide either your
- wallet address (i.e. BTC address to receive BTC, ETH address to receive ETH), or
- QR code
Learn more here on how to deposit cryptocurrency on your account.
Sending Crypto from GCash to
1. Open the GCash app, and click on GInvest.
2. On the list of available options, click on GCrypto.
3. Select the cryptocurrency you want to send.
4. On the selected cryptocurrency page, click Send.
5. Enter the amount, and address of your wallet - either paste your address or scan your QR code.
6. Review the details, and then click Send.
7. Provide any OTP required for authentication.
8. Wait for the required confirmation, and your crypto should now be on your wallet.
Important Considerations
- Double-check address: Always verify that the wallet address/ QR code are correct before confirming the transaction.
- Sufficient Balance: Ensure that your GCash account has enough balance to cover both the transfer amount and any applicable fees.
- Network Fees: Be aware of any network fees that may apply during the transfer process.