With Coins.ph, you can receive any of our supported cryptocurrencies from other wallets, whether external wallets or other Coins.ph wallets.
Where to deposit on Coins.ph?
If you are receiving funds from an external wallet, you can provide either
- relevant wallet address (i.e. BTC address to receive BTC, ETH address to receive ETH), or
- QR code.
If you are receiving funds from another Coins.ph account, you may provide your
- registered email address or
- registered mobile number
Here are the steps to obtain your wallet address or QR code:
On the Coins app
1. Access Deposit Function
- Open Coins.ph app
- Go to Portfolio tab
- Tap "Deposit" button
- Select "Receive Crypto"
Note: You may also access the Receive Crypto option from the Deposit button at the Home tab.
Select Cryptocurrency
- Choose your desired cryptocurrency
- Select the appropriate network
Kindly make sure that the network you choose to deposit matches the withdrawal network, otherwise your funds will be lost.
Get Deposit Address
- Copy wallet address or
- Use QR code for scanning
On the Coins website
1. Navigate to Portfolio
- Click Portfolio tab
- Select desired cryptocurrency
2. Access Deposit Screen
- Click "Transfer"
- Select "Deposit"
3. Choose Network
- Select appropriate network
Kindly make sure that the network you choose to deposit matches the withdrawal network, otherwise your funds will be lost.
- Copy deposit address or QR code
Important Considerations
- Double-check wallet addresses
- Verify network compatibility
- Start with a small test amount
- Ensure sufficient network fees
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do deposits take?
If your deposit does not appear in your account within a reasonable time frame, , you may check our article here for things you can first check on your transaction.
Can I receive cryptocurrency from any external wallet?
Yes, you can receive cryptocurrencies from any external wallet as long as the provided correct wallet address and network are supported.
What happens if I send cryptocurrency to an incorrect address?
Sending cryptocurrency to an incorrect address may result in permanent loss of those funds. Always double-check addresses before confirming transactions.
Kindly check our policies here on unsupported deposits.
What are the minimum deposit amounts?
Minimum amounts vary by cryptocurrency and network. Check our article here for the minimum deposit requirements.